The colors are vivid, all shades of green everywhere, and the birds are loud; each has something to share. Nature is so pretty, especially right now, transforming into aliveness and busy with spreading joy with freshness, vibrancy, and galore. It seems that all the chaos that was once contained is now emerging in all directions, expending its energy while remaining constantly aware of its purpose.
Victor Frankl says ‘the fulfillment of meaning is possible in three main directions: human beings are able to give meaning to their existence, firstly, by doing something, by acting, by creating —by bringing a work into being; secondly, by experiencing something nature, art-or loving people; and thirdly, human beings are able to find meaning even where finding value in life is not possible for them in either the first or the second way-namely, precisely when they take a stance toward the unalterable, fated, inevitable, and unavoidable limitation of their possibilities: how they adapt to this limitation, react toward it, how they accept this fate. In the course of life, human beings must be prepared to change the direction of this fulfillment of meaning, often abruptly, according to the particular “challenges of the hour.” (Yes to Life, Victor Frankl)
This spring day awaits for you to join, inviting you to become a part of its beauty and explore the meaning life presents. The trees understand, as does the earth beneath your feet, and even the fellow humans you encounter share in this connection.
I go for a walk, a slow one, absorbing the sounds, the colors, the interactions of the creatures around me. What a wonderful thing to be a creature of the earth on this beautiful spring day.