The Grapes of Wrath. I’m finally reading it. Needless to say Steinbeck is a genius as I exclaim to myself almost every page. It examines the truth of men rather than the events themselves, I think. Steinbeck doesn’t separate men from the environment he occupies and describes the dirt, the house, every shape on one’s face, and the creatures hanging around in great detail. Reading this novel is practicing mindfulness; it helps one become aware of one’s surroundings and our relationships with them. I’m no book critic, and still at the very beginning of the book, but this is my humble experience so far. It is a slow read since it requires such focus, not something you’d want after a hard day at work, but on a weekend when you have a block of time where you will not get distracted.
When the world, well most people in the world tell you to be LOUD,
Now, here’s a tip.
What you know matters less
Than the volume with which
What you don’t know’s expressed!
Content, has never been less important.
So you have got to be …
(Loud, loud, loud)
and yet you prefer quiet
Like silence, but not really silent.
Just that still sort of quiet.
Like the sound of a page being turned in a book.
Or a pause in a walk in the woods.
Then there is that conflict you find yourself in. The quiet helps to know exactly when to be loud though, for without it we are lost in our confusion. Loud is fruitless mostly, especially if you aren’t the loudest among many, so sometimes you got to be a little naughty! Yes you guessed it; I’m going through Matilda, the musical phase once again.
My son and I are going to Ankara to visit my parents and we will make a short stop in London to meet my sister. I intend to drop social media altogether and be fully present around my family and friends during this time. I’ll let you know how it went once I’m back. Until then may your travels be filled with delight and if you’re hard at work may your days be like a summer breeze…
Looking forward to reflections from Ankara & London.