All better now…



I hope you find that clearing when the tantrum blazes through you. Out of nowhere. And you can’t understand the whys. Only, that it is here, I hope you notice. And you stop. I hope you shed those tears, because your heart needs to soften to soothe you. In my case it was cleaning up the kitchen while Sade was playing that I shed the tears. And it felt better as that uncontrollable buzzing that took over my body and mind, that uncontrollable anger I didn’t know what to do with, started dissolving, ever so slowly…


A little bit of wine is also good. And find a bit of earth; turn your beautiful eyes to a piece of greenery or some sunshine or the sky. Then like a baby, you lay yourself down. And you hug yourself. Ever so lovingly. This inconsolable thing inside you, that can’t even tell you her problem. It is all well. You soothe, and pretty soon Sade starts to sound like a lullaby. And you feel your bones resting on the couch. This lovable body needing attention and laying down, tired of standing up. Oh just for a break… Quietly. Like a baby… There there… All better now…


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